
The Kay Team

8 Reasons To Buy In The Fall

8 reasons to buy a home this fall

What are the 8 reasons to buy a home this fall in the Chicago Area

The leaves are changing colors and the weather is getting cooler, which can only mean one thing – fall is here! And while some people may think that spring and summer are the best times to buy a home, we think that fall beats them out in quite a few ways. Here are 8 reasons why buying a house this fall could benefit you:

1. Lower Prices

Did you know that statistically, the lowest home prices of the year are found in the month of October? Spring the market is heating up which means prices are rising. In the fall, the market is beginning to cool down, which means prices are lowering, among other benefits.

2. More serious sellers

Since there are fewer buyers in the fall, the sellers who find themselves on the market are usually more serious about selling. This means that you’re more likely to get to the closing table.

3. Less competition

As we mentioned, there are typically fewer buyers looking for homes in the fall. This less chance of having to enter a bidding war for the home you want.

4. More time to look

Since there are fewer buyers out looking for homes in the fall, you’ll have more time to really look at the homes you’re interested in and find the perfect one for you.

5. More time to move

If you’re buying a home in the fall, you’ll usually have more time to move than if you’re buying in the spring or summer. This is because there are typically fewer buyers in the fall, so the sellers are more flexible on when they need to move.

6. Observe Home Condition

You can get a good sense of a home’s winter efficiency by doing a walk-through in the fall. You can feel for drafts around windows and doors and see how the furnace works. The fall is also a good time to check the condition of the exterior of the house and the yard.

7. Avoid the summer heat

If you’re not a fan of the summer heat, buying a home in the fall can help you avoid it. This is because the weather is usually cooler in the fall, so you won’t have to deal with the heat wave that often comes with the summer.

8. Home Improvement Sales

The holidays are right around the corner and with that comes the best sales of the year. This makes it the perfect time to save on large purchases such as appliances, ladders, power tools, and everything else you may need for your new home.

Contact Your Agent Today! 

Kalyn Scott

708.620.6188 – Call or Text

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